About Us
The AFSCME Health and Welfare Fund was founded in 1974 to develop and administer supplemental benefits pursuant to collective bargaining agreements covering Council 13 members employed by counties, cities, and other political subdivisions, school districts, and private, non-profit health care institutions. Benefit coverage is negotiated on an employer by employer basis. Presently, 73 employers are making contributions for more than 5,500 subscribers to have benefits administered by the fund. The AFSCME Health and Welfare Fund currently administers four benefit programs – Prescription Drug, Vision Care, Dental Care and Disability Insurance; and continues coverage to former participants pursuant to COBRA. The AFSCME Health and Welfare Fund is governed by an eight member Board of Trustees: four representing management and four representing the union.
Samantha Rayner
Operating Manager
Nicole Orris
Benefits Coordinator
Cartier Scuccimarri
Benefits Coordinator