AFSCME leaders, Commonwealth officials sign new state contract

AFSCME Council 13 leadership, including first level supervisor and rank-and-file members, met with Commonwealth officials to sign the collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated and ratified this year.

Those in attendance put pen to paper to finalize a contract that includes a total of 20.25 percent of wage increases over the four years between general pay increases and step increments. Compounded over the four years, represented employees’ current salary would increase by 22.1 percent. This represents a historic achievement for AFSCME members in Pennsylvania.

The Commonwealth will now begin the administrative process of instituting pay raises, including retroactive pay back to July 1, 2023. Employees should expect to start seeing these increases on the November 10 and November 17 paydays.

This historic contract is thanks to the hard work and firm resolve of AFSCME members. It is only through strong union membership that we can continue to achieve such victories — and even greater ones.

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