AFSCME Next Wavers in Laurel Highlands provide meals to children, elderly, and veterans

As schools and day cares closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, AFSCME Laurel Highlands Next Wave Chapter in District Council 83, along with AFSCME Retiree Fred Kuzma, cooked and packaged hot takeout meals for children in Northern Cambria, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas.

Meals were served every weekday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. out of American Legion Post 508.

Thanks to an outpouring of support from the community and local businesses, they were able to expand the service and offer free delivery to military veterans and the elderly.

On the first day, they served 54 meals and were serving more than 125 meals per day at the peak.

“We have had the pleasure of assisting those in our community during this unprecedented time of need,” said Christine Myers, member of AFSCME Local 2047 (Ebensburg Center/Altoona Center) and organizer of this effort.

“We had so many people and businesses make donations and donate their time. It is heartwarming.” 

Viruses are contagious, but so is kindness and generosity. Whether in the workplace or in the community, AFSCME sisters and brothers are stepping up during these challenging times.

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