Community Forums with State Rep. Takac

State Representative Paul Takac will be hosting a series of community forums on the issue of the proposed closures of SCI Rockview and Quehanna Boot Camp and the impact this would have on the workers at these facilities, as well as the communities they serve and support.

AFSCME members in the region are encouraged to participate in these forums to share how this would impact them and show their support for their sisters and brothers.

AFSCME Members: Register to attend a forum here!

All forums will be held from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.:
Friday, March 21 – Milesburg Community Center, 101 Mill St., Milesburg.
Thursday, March 27 – Howard United Methodist Church, 144 Main St., Howard.
Monday, March 31 – Benner Township Municipal Building, 1224 Buffalo Run Road, Bellefonte.
Wednesday, April 2 – Schlow Public Library, 211 S. Allen St., State College.
Monday, April 7 – Snow Shoe Township Building, 268 Old Side Road, Clarence.

We hope to see you at one or all of these events!

If you are an AFSCME member who plans to attend, please register here!