Council 13 hosts several ‘Staff The Front Lines’ events in Harrisburg

AFSCME Council 13 was proud to host a multi-faceted ‘Staff The Front Lines’ bus stop in Harrisburg on August 22-23, 2023.

AFSCME launched the ‘Staff the Front Lines’ initiative this year to partner with elected officials on recruiting and retaining the essential public service workers who keep our communities running. The ‘Staff the Front Lines’ bus is holding recruitment events in more than 20 cities nationwide this summer.

As part of the Harrisburg leg of the tour, Council 13 hosted a listening session between Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton and local union leaders to begin an important conversation on how we can all work together to address these public service staffing issues.

A press conference followed the listening session to raise awareness of these issues, as well as the Hiring Hall taking place the next day.

Before that first day of action ended, Council 13 hosted a training session with members on how they can be involved in these efforts and engage with the influx of new employees we plan to see.

On August 23, Council 13 opened its doors to have the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania host a hiring event, where more than 100 job seekers passed through to speak with recruiters and even apply for jobs right there on the spot.

“Our communities simply cannot function without the everyday heroes who keep our streets clean, take our kids to school, and ensure our water is safe to drink,” Council 13 Executive Director David Henderson said.

“We need a lot more people filling these vital roles. On top of making our communities better, these are often union jobs with good pay, great benefits, retirement plans and job security. You can make a difference and get paid for doing it.”

AFSCME’s efforts continue as we work to be part of the solution to the public service staffing crisis. Learn more at StaffTheFrontLines.org.

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Credit: AFSCME Council 13

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