Council 13 to host major Staff The Front Lines bus stop, hiring hall

AFSCME has launched a nationwide bus tour as part of a massive retention, recruitment, and outreach initiative called Staff the Front Lines.

Council 13 is excited to host a major stop on that tour on August 22-23, 2023!

This stop will include several events culminating in a Hiring Hall with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Wednesday, August 23. Recruiters from the Departments of Corrections, Human Services, Environmental Protection, Transportation, General Services, Revenue, and Banking, will be on-site and ready to help you apply for a good job in public service, including union-covered positions! 

Staff The Front Lines is all about addressing the severe staffing challenges we face in Pennsylvania and across the nation, especially in public service jobs, and working with employers, elected officials, and community leaders, to be part of the solution.

Learn more about STFL here: https://www.afscme.org/priorities/staffthefrontlines

RSVP for the Hiring Hall here: https://www.mobilize.us/afscme/event/569215/

View and download the flyer here: https://www.afscme13.org/wp-content/uploads/STFL-Hiring-Hall-August-23-flyer.pdf