Exclusive protection plans now available for Council 13 members through Securus ID

AFSCME Council 13 is excited to partner with Securus ID to offer members exclusive identity theft protection plans at a discount of up to 40 percent!

Learn more about plans and pricing here!

Identity theft is on the rise, and this trend is expected to continue as cyber criminals use emerging tactics to harvest your data. In fact, according to the FTC, imposter scams alone accounted for nearly $2.7 billion in losses in 2022 (FTC Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2022).

While you may take every precaution to keep your identity safe, a data breach can put you at risk of fraud — and sadly, we hear about data breaches from big businesses almost daily.

In addition to the many other benefits of belonging to a union, you now have the power to protect your identity and take advantage of the low rates offered to AFSCME Council 13 members by signing up for a Securus ID plan today.

To learn more, visit afscme13.securusid.com!