Here to help: Council 13’s call center assists member with stolen identity

AFSCME Council 13’s Member Resource Center (MRC) is here to answer your calls Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1-800-5-AFSCME (1-800-523-7263). Staff representatives are available to answer workplace- and union-related questions, but sometimes, callers need more than that, and we are here to help our sisters and brothers in any way we can.

Recently, a member of AFSCME Local 2666 (Erie County Employees) left a message for the MRC. When an MRC rep returned the call, the member reported that they had been scammed and their identity had been stolen. Unsure what to do, the rep asked how they could help. The member said they thought to call and see what the union could do for them.

While searching for potential solutions online, the rep advised the member to call the phone numbers on the back of their credit cards to deactivate the accounts. The rep found a phone number to report the identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and passed it along to the member.

This serves as a reminder that when all else fails, AFSCME is here for its members. Even if it is not a union-related issue, Council 13 and its MRC will do everything possible to help you or at least make a difficult situation a little easier.

While Council 13 is happy to help, if you ever find yourself as the victim of identity theft, you should follow the steps found here: https://www.lifelock.com/learn-identity-theft-resources-do-these-things-immediately-if-your-identity-has-been-stolen.html.  

If you need to contact your staff representative, file a grievance, get more information about member only benefits, or just about anything else, call 1-800-5-AFSCME.