International Convention registration deadline extended

The deadline for hotel reservations for the AFSCME 46th International Convention has been extended until Thursday, July 11, 2024.

You may be placed at a different hotel if rooms at our assigned hotel are not available. It is important to secure your reservations as soon as possible.

July 15, 2024, is the final day that AFSCME’s Conference & Travel Services Department can accept changes or cancellations. If you need to make changes after this date, you will need to contact the hotel directly.

As a reminder, if you are a delegate or alternate, don’t forget to complete your credentials!

Delegate and Alternate Credential forms must be received or postmarked by Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

If you have any questions, please email education@afscme13.org or give us a call at 1-800-5-AFSCME.

See you in LA!