PA delegates stand fearless at 46th International Convention

Thousands of AFSCME members converged on Los Angeles, California, during the week of August 12-16, 2024, for the 46th International Convention.

Members of AFSCME Council 13, District Council 33, and District Council 47, formed the Pennsylvania delegation, which once again played a crucial role in the conduction of the business of the union.

Among that business was the re-election by acclamation of AFSCME International President Lee Saunders and Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride. Pennsylvania was enthusiastic to support its national officers and also caucused to elect its International Vice Presidents, with District Council 88 Director Tom Tosti and District Council 83 Director Sue McCormick winning by acclamation. This makes McCormick the first woman IVP from Pennsylvania. Congratulations to all!

“My favorite part of convention is going around trading pins and meeting other people from other states and different parts of the union. I love it,” said Peter Long, Vice President and Treasurer of AFSCME Local 2369 (State Supervisory – District 3).

Delegates discussed, debated, and adopted several resolutions aimed at strengthening the union and empowering workers within and beyond AFSCME’s membership, including Res. 34 – Growing Our Union With AFSCME Strong; Res. 3 – Supporting Career Development Strategies in Public Services; Res. 39 – Expand Collective Bargaining Rights and the Pro-Worker Agenda; Res. 1 – Our Right to Safety on the Job; Res. 45 – Mental Health Professional Well-Being Programs; Res. 41 – Staff the Front Lines; and many more, all of which can be found on the Convention Blog.

And you can always expect action when AFSCME is in town. At this year’s convention, we rallied in solidarity with our siblings from Local 3299 who are in the midst of tough contract negotiations with the University of California (UC) system.

“I liked the rally the most. It showed union power at work as we stood together for our sisters and brothers,” said Anata Trice, President of AFSCME Local 2958 (SCI Huntingdon & Smithfield).

Local 3299 members want a new collective bargaining agreement that addresses the cost-of-living and housing-affordability crises that are plaguing front-line workers. UC workers have been bargaining with their employer for more than six months. Their Council 13 sisters and brothers are proud to join them in this fight.

“As a university worker myself, I understand the importance of having a voice in what happens on my campus and in my union. I am proud to stand with my sisters and brothers in Local 3299 at UC,” said Tracy Reidenhour, President of AFSCME Local 2234 (Kutztown University).

Convention attendees also heard remarks from Vice President Kamala Harris (via video), Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, and a variety of inspiring presentations from AFSCME members across the country, including a special surprise during the “Never Quit” Award presentation.

As we move forward to a historic election in which we will work vigorously to elect pro-worker candidates up and down the ballot, AFSCME members in Pennsylvania stand fearlessly on the front lines and ready to take their movement to new heights.

Find full AFSCME 46th International Convention coverage here!

Check out photos of Pennsylvania’s delegation in action below!

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