

December 13, 2017

Senate Bill 166 defeated in PA House

Senate Bill 166, a “Paycheck Protection” bill, was defeated in a Tuesday evening vote by 102-90 in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. More accurately described as Paycheck Deception, this type of policy...


December 7, 2017

Trump administration sides against unions in major Supreme Court case

The Office of the Solicitor General, under the jurisdiction of President Donald Trump, submitted a brief in the Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court case on Wednesday, siding against public employee unions. The...


December 7, 2017

Update on “Paycheck Protection” bill

Senate Bill 166, a “Paycheck Protection” bill, was advanced by the House of Representatives on Tuesday for a final vote, but that vote has not happened yet. It is expected that SB...


December 4, 2017

Executive Director David Fillman testifies to PA House committee on public employee OSHA

On Monday, December 4, AFSCME Council 13 Executive Director David Fillman testified to the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee in favor of House Bill 1082, which aims to extend Occupational Safety...


November 17, 2017

Cedar Haven nurses stand strong after four weeks on strike

Sisters and brothers of labor from all over Pennsylvania gathered in front of Cedar Haven Healthcare Center in Lebanon, Pa., on Friday, November 17, to show their solidarity with the striking members...


October 27, 2017

AFSCME Local 2732 rallies after one week on strike

Noon on Friday, October 27, marked one week since members of AFSCME Local 2732 walked out of Cedar Haven Healthcare Center in Lebanon, Pa., to go on strike to demand a fair...


October 26, 2017

Cedar Haven Strike Rally

The sisters and brothers of AFSCME Local 2732 are holding a rally tomorrow, Friday, October 27, starting at 11:30 a.m., to mark one week since the nurses and staff of Cedar Haven...


October 24, 2017

Day 5: Cedar Haven strike continues, quality of care declines

While questions arise about the quality of care from temporary staff at Cedar Haven Healthcare Center, members of AFSCME Local 2732 continue to strike for a fifth day as the owner of...


October 21, 2017

Day 2: Cedar Haven Healthcare Center nurses strike

On Saturday, employees of Cedar Haven Healthcare Center, who are members of AFSCME Local 2732, took to the picket line for the second day. The owner of the nursing home, Chas B....


October 20, 2017

Day 1: Cedar Haven Healthcare Center nurses go on strike

Employees of Cedar Haven Healthcare Center went on strike to demand a fair contract at noon on Friday, October 20. Cedar Haven’s certified nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, maintenance employees, laundry employees,...