

July 22, 2017

Council 13 hosts first ever AFSCME Activist Exchange

Nineteen activists from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Washington DC gathered in Harrisburg for the first-ever AFSCME Activist Exchange. Council 13 is proud to host this event, which provided...


July 19, 2017

AFSCME members at Clarion University sponsor Red Cross blood drive

During the summer months, when very few students roam the campus of Clarion University, AFSCME Local 2623 members are still there making it happen. They service the students who remain on campus...


July 7, 2017

Unions fight for freedom: A message from President Lee Saunders

Freedom means more than making a living. It means the ability to financially support your family and have time to be there for them. AFSCME President Lee Saunders explains how corporate interest...

Omission from Master Memorandum 2016-19

June 28, 2017

Omission from Master Memorandum 2016-19

Commonwealth employees represented by AFSCME Council 13 should have recently received printed copies of the Master Memorandum (First-Level Supervisors’ Contract Only) for 2016-19. There is a minor omission within the book form of the...


June 27, 2017

Organizing Victory!

The McKean County Court Appointed Professional and Nonprofessional Unit workers and the McKean County Nonprofessional Unit workers both voted yesterday for representation with AFSCME District Council 85. This brings 52 employees to...

Organizing Victory!

June 7, 2017

Organizing Victory!

The Sergeants and Corporals (1st Level Supervisors) employed at the Lancaster County Prison voted yesterday by a count of 15-2 for representation with AFSCME District Council 89. This brings 19 employees to AFSCME ranks!...

Pension reform bill passes in state Senate

June 6, 2017

Pension reform bill passes in state Senate

On Monday, June 5, the Pennsylvania state Senate passed Senate Bill 1, a bipartisan pension reform bill that is expected to make its way through the House and to Governor Tom Wolf’s...


May 31, 2017

AFSCME Local 2163 raises $1,300 for Variety’s “My Bike” program

AFSCME Council 13, its district councils and local unions have been a major part of Variety’s “My Bike” program, which provides adaptive bikes to disabled children in need in Pennsylvania, as well...


May 24, 2017

AFSCME Local 3530 members fill Millcreek Township Supervisors meeting

AFSCME members from Local 3530 (Millcreek Township) are in the midst of tough contract negotiations with township supervisors. The township signed two extensions since the contract expired at the end of 2016,...


May 22, 2017

AFSCME members receive Governor’s Awards for Excellence

On Monday, May 22, 37 Pennsylvania state employees were recognized for their outstanding service to the citizens of the commonwealth with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence. Among those 37 people were 13...