

December 20, 2023

Women’s Conference set for March 15-17, 2024!

The 2024 AFSCME Council 13 Women’s Conference is set to take place in Hershey, PA, on March 15-17! This year’s conference will take place under the theme of “Women Behaving Badly,” as...


December 12, 2023

AFSCME members take to State Capitol for Lobby Day

A group of AFSCME Council 13 members took to the State Capitol in Harrisburg on December 12 for meetings with various legislators about important policies that impact working people, including public sector...


November 20, 2023

Find community service opportunities through United Way ‘Holiday Connections’

United Way of the Capital Region has published ‘Holiday Connections,’ a guide to the community service events and projects in central Pennsylvania available for you to volunteer with. This is a great...

PRESS RELEASE: AFSCME Council 13 applauds House passage of retiree COLA bill, urges passage by State Senate

November 15, 2023

PRESS RELEASE: AFSCME Council 13 applauds House passage of retiree COLA bill, urges passage by State Senate

Harrisburg, PA (November 15, 2023) – AFSCME Council 13 applauds the passage of House Bill 1416 by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, which brings tens of thousands of state retirees one step...


November 14, 2023

Western District Councils join forces for Education Conference

Members of District Councils 83, 84, and 85, joined forces at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Somerset County for the 2023 Western Education Conference on November 10-12. The conference began with remarks...

2023-2027 Master Agreement and Memoradum now available online

November 8, 2023

2023-2027 Master Agreement and Memoradum now available online

The new Master Agreement and Master Memorandum between members of AFSCME Council 13 and their employer, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are available on the home page of AFSCME13.org. Each document includes at...


November 3, 2023

AFSCME Council 13 Scholarship Program 2023 winners announced

Congratulations to the 26 winners of the 2023 AFSCME Council 13 Scholarship Program! $17,000 in scholarships were awarded to the children and grandchildren of Council 13 members and retirees. Each winner will...


October 26, 2023

AFSCME member receives Governor’s Award for Excellence

Congratulations to AFSCME Local 2456 (State Professionals – District 8) member Amy Kreiger, who is currently an Administrative Assistant for the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), for being part of a group of...


October 25, 2023

PennDOT member Ricky Allsop discusses keeping roads safe, saving lives along the way

Ricky Allsop, a Philadelphia PennDOT foreman and member of AFSCME Local 2244, recently stopped by NBC 10 to share his story as part of AFSCME’s “Public Service Spotlight” series. You can view...


October 24, 2023

Local 2763 members take a stand against employee mistreatment

A wave of green rolled into a recent Reading Area Water Authority meeting as members of AFSCME Local 2763 are taking a stand against employee mistreatment by a RAWA official.