PennDOT member Ricky Allsop discusses keeping roads safe, saving lives along the way

Ricky Allsop, a Philadelphia PennDOT foreman and member of AFSCME Local 2244, recently stopped by NBC 10 to share his story as part of AFSCME’s “Public Service Spotlight” series.

You can view the segment above, online here, or on Facebook here.

Ricky discussed what it’s like to maintain the same roads he grew up on as a native Philadelphian, as well as the lifesaving actions he has taken in the course of serving the public.

On Superbowl Sunday, Allsop managed to secure a vehicle whose driver was in medical distress. He performed CPR on the driver, radioed for help and saved the driver’s life – actions for which he was recognized by the City of Philadelphia.

Later, on the way to the NBC Philadelphia’s studio where he was filming the Public Service Spotlight, Allsop saved a kitten named Lois on the freeway and returned her to her owner.

Owner Kent Roberts even posted a thank you note on our union’s Facebook page, writing in part: “This man is a hero and he was long before he brought my cat … back to me. He and his crew turned down a reward at every turn, simply doing the right thing because they were there and it was right. Heroes are anyone that chooses to be one and I’ll always be grateful to Ricky.”

Though Allsop says, “I really feel I’m no hero. I just did what I feel every other person in that situation would have done,” we’d respectfully disagree.

Learn more about Allsop and what keeps him motivated to serve his community by watching the “Public Service Spotlight“.

You can also view the “Public Service Spotlight” segment featuring Robert Maier, a Deputy Sheriff in Montgomery County and President of AFSCME Local 676, who discusses how he and his coworkers keep their community safe.