PRESS RELEASE: AFSCME Council 13 members endorse Jill Beck, Timika Lane for Superior Court

Harrisburg, PA (May 9, 2023) – Members of AFSCME Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee, which consists of rank-and-file union members from across the commonwealth, met on May 9, 2023, and voted unanimously to endorse Jill Beck and Timika Lane for Pennsylvania Superior Court.

Committee members voted to remain neutral on the Supreme and Commonwealth Court races.

“With the support of AFSCME members, Jill Beck and Timika Lane can continue to be forces for the good of all working people in Pennsylvania,” Council 13 Executive Director David Henderson said.

Members of Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee encourage their fellow union members, and all Pennsylvanians, to vote in this crucial primary election on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is the largest affiliate in the AFL-CIO. AFSCME Council 13 represents more than 65,000 public employees in Pennsylvania.