PRESS RELEASE: AFSCME Council 13 members endorse statewide judicial candidates

Harrisburg, PA (August 23, 2023) – Rank-and-file union members on AFSCME Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee unanimously endorsed Judge Dan McCaffery for Pennsylvania Supreme Court and Judge Matt Wolf for Commonwealth Court.

Committee members also unanimously reaffirmed their support for Judge Timika Lane and Judge Jill Beck for Superior Court after endorsing them in the primary election.

The committee made the endorsements after hearing remarks from each of the candidates at a meeting in Harrisburg on August 23.

The judges discussed their rich professional experiences, as well as some of their deep ties to organized labor.

“I’ve been walking a picket line since I was four,” McCaffery told committee members.

“I come from a union family. When I was a schoolteacher, I was in a union, so I know the benefits of union membership,” Lane said.

“I would not run without the support of labor,” Beck said.

“The values that I have are those shared with labor,” Wolf said.

While judicial races often receive less attention than others, they are just as important, if not more, in determining public policies and legal outcomes that impact union members and all working people.

Members of Council 13’s Statewide Steering Committee encourage their fellow AFSCME members, and all Pennsylvanians, to vote in what will be a crucial election on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is the largest affiliate in the AFL-CIO. AFSCME Council 13 represents more than 65,000 public employees in Pennsylvania.

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