The LABOR School at Penn State to offer free webinars this month

 On behalf of Heather Manning, Outreach for the School of Labor and Employment Relations at Penn State:

This moment of heightened safety precautions and economic insecurity highlights the critical need for solidarity and the ongoing imperative to organize and build more effective unions. As the PA AFL-CIO notes, “All working people have a part to play in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and workers’ rights must be treated as primary concerns with concrete solutions.” At the LABOR School at Penn State, we will continue to offer programing that brings workers and union leaders together to learn from each other and strengthen our movement.

Here are two new webinars we will be offering this month:

Workers on the Front Lines of COVID-19: What We Can Learn and Do

Join us on Thursday March 26 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm to hear from union members and union staff who are working in essential services like healthcare, food and grocery services, transport, or other industries that provide vital services to our communities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Union members will share accomplishments, efforts, and current challenges across industries and regions of PA. We will focus on how all workers can provide support and help promote safe and secure workplaces.

Register in advance here: https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QlB32I4oQeWDnvCawC0Nmg


Young Workers and Unions: Uniting Across Generational Differences

There are now five generations of workers in our workplaces and unions. Join us on March 30 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm for this webinar that will highlight current initiatives unions are taking to develop and conduct young worker programs; review new research on best practices in building intergenerational cooperation in our unions; and discuss strategies and steps to build participation across all generations of workers.

Register in advance here:  https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OB5dGNGvSZWFpTXQaM3HkQ