
AFSCME International

AFSCME is the nation's largest and fastest growing public services employees union with more than 1.6 million workers and retired members.


AFSCME is a proud member of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). The AFL-CIO is the largest federation of unions in the United States, with representation of over 11 million workers.


The PA AFL-CIO is governed and comprised of local, national, and international unions. Formed in 1961, the PA AFL-CIO now serves 900,000 members.

Council 13 Retirees – RPEP Chapter 13

AFSCME Council 13 is a strong supporter of our retired members. The Retired Public Employees of Pennsylvania (RPEP), have their own member run Chapter 13 with more than 11,000 members. RPEP Members have many of the same member benefits as current AFSCME Council 13 members.


The Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund (PEBTF) administers healthcare benefits to eligible Commonwealth of Pennsylvania employees, retirees and their dependents.

Health & Welfare Fund

The Health & Welfare Fund administers healthcare benefits to many of AFSCME's eligible Non-State employees and their dependents.

Rick Smith Show

AFSCME Council 13 is a proud supporter of the Rick Smith show airing on many networks throughout Pennsylvania. Rick's vision is to motivate the American working class, engaging the democratic process and preserving the middle class for future generations. AFSCME leaders are often interviewed on the show.

Clear Coalition

The Coalition for Labor Engagement and Accountable Revenues is made up of Pennsylvania unions representing over 1.1 million hard working Pennsylvanians united to fight for essential services and critical investments in Pennsylvania's state budget and beyond.