History Made: Council 13 hosts 50th Annual Convention
It was an event of reflection and celebration, as well as resolution and preparation, at the 50th Annual AFSCME Council 13 Convention in Hershey, PA, from April 29-May 1, 2022.
Things kicked off with a blast from the past as attendees celebrated “Decades Night” at Friday’s Delegate Reception, wearing outfits from their favorite decade and observing a display of memorabilia from years past.
Then Council 13 members got down to business on Saturday at the general session, where hundreds of delegates representing locals throughout all eight of Council 13’s district councils elected and re-elected their union’s leaders, including Executive Director David Henderson, President Howard Thompson, Secretary Linda Vuono, Treasurer Shawn Makar, and four Trustees in Rick Wise, Christopher Murphy, Jamar Johnson, and Mark Daugherty.

David Henderson is elected Executive Director of AFSCME Council 13 at the 50th Annual Council 13 Convention.
At-Large Vice Presidents representing City, County, School District, Healthcare, and Other Political Sub-Division employees, were all re-elected, while Evelyn Rosa was elected as a Vice President Representing State Employees for her first time.
Convention participants heard remarks from State Representative Tom Mehaffie, Council 13 President Howard Thompson, Council 13 Executive Director David Henderson, AFSCME International President Lee Saunders, and PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
“Whether you are a new member, a seasoned member, or somewhere in between, by being here at this 50th Annual Council 13 Convention, you are part of history – labor history, Pennsylvania history, American history,” Executive Director Henderson said during his remarks.
Delegates passed several resolutions during the convention aimed at growing the union, protecting members, supporting allies, remembering fallen sisters and brothers, planning for the future, opposing union busting, and improving workplace safety for public employees.
On Saturday night, Organizing Awards were presented, with District Council 83 being recognized for Highest Membership Percentage and District Council 88 being recognized for Most New Members.
On Sunday morning, the recognitions continued as AFSCME Local 1738 was awarded Local of the Year for their perseverance through the most difficult days of the pandemic while managing to build their collective power with 100% membership at Lancaster County Prison.
As the final piece of business, Council 13’s newly- and re-elected officers were sworn in by AFSCME District Council 86 Director and Chair of the Election Committee Zollie Rayner before the convention was adjourned.
With their 50th chapter in the books, Council 13 members are engaged and energized, and ready to take on an exciting new world for labor, where they will continue to make Pennsylvania happen – and make history in the process.
Check out photos from the event below!