Register to Vote

Once you know you are eligible to vote, the next step is to register. In Pennsylvania, you can register in person, by mail and at various government agencies. Below you will find information about how to register, as well as links to voting registration forms and applications.

Register to Vote Online

Pennsylvanians can register to vote online by filling out this form.

Register to Vote in Person
You can register to vote at a County Voter Registration Office or other designated sites.

Register to Vote by Mail

Voting by mail is safe, secure, and easy. In Pennsylvania, you have two options for mail ballots.

  • Mail-in ballot – Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.
  • Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness that prevents you from going to your polling place on election day, you can request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.

In order to request either ballot type, you must be registered to vote. Check Your Registration Status to review your information.

Once you confirm your registration information, you can request your mail ballot here.

You can find information on how to complete and return your mail ballot here.

Register to Vote at PennDOT
You can register to vote at a PA Department of Transportation photo license center when you obtain or update your driver’s license.

Register to Vote at Government Agencies
In addition to PennDOT, you can register to vote at many other state government offices, including:

  • State offices that provide public assistance and services to persons with disabilities
  • Armed Forces Recruitment Centers
  • County Clerk of Orphans’ Court offices, including each Marriage License Bureau
  • Area Agencies on Aging
  • Centers for Independent Living
  • County Mental Health and Mental Retardation offices
  • Student disability services offices of the State System of Higher Education
  • Offices of Special Education
  • DA Complementary Paratransit offices

Voter Registration Forms
Below are links to different voter registration forms and applications. Remember that the deadline for registering is 30 days prior to each election.

  • Pennsylvania Voter Registration Mail Application Form (PDF): Use this form to register to vote by mail.  Pennsylvania Voter Registration Mail Application Forms must be completed and submitted to your County Voter Registration Office.
  • Request Voter Registration Mail Application(s): To request that Pennsylvania Voter Registration Mail Applications be sent to you, please provide your full name and mailing address via the following link: ST-VOTERREG@pa.gov. Remember to indicate the number of voter registration forms that you require.  To request multiple Pennsylvania Voter Registration Mail Applications for voter registration drives, please call 1-800-552-VOTE.Absentee Ballot ApplicationIf you are going to be away from your voting district or are unable to get to the polls due to illness or disability, you must send an Absentee Ballot Application to your County Voter Registration Office. Upon approval of your application, you will receive a ballot in the mail with instructions on how to vote by mail.

Pennsylvania law provides for permanent voter registration, unless the voter’s registration should be cancelled in accordance with law.  All electors, except those in the military service of the United States and bedridden or hospitalized war veterans unavoidably absent from their county of residence, must be registered to be eligible to vote.