Officer’s Forms
Officers’ Forms
Officer’s Handbook – A Guide for Local Union Leaders, Updated September 2012
Local Union Election Manual – Union democracy depends upon an understanding of the union’s procedures and participation. This manual will help with any questions associated with union elections.
Local Officer Change Request Form – This form will allow you to update your local officers for submission to your District Council, AFSCME Council 13 headquarters and AFSCME International.
How to Chair a Local Meeting – From Call to Order to Adjournment, learn how to chair a meeting of your local union.
How to Take Part in a Local Meeting – At the local union level, membership meetings are where your democratic expression takes place and members make decisions on what they want their local union to do.
Non-State Add/Drop Form – This form is no longer necessary. Please feel free to use any format to submit changes you see on your rosters. For example, you could cross out information on your roster and write in the correct information. Please submit the information to one of the following:
Mail: Attn: Business Office, AFSCME Council 13, 150 S. 43rd St. Suite 3, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Email: [email protected]
Treasurers’ Forms
To save a form to your computer, right click on the desired form and select “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”.
Additional resources for Treasurers, including these forms, videos to help you file, and a submission portal, can be found here:
Surety Bond and LUAFR Cover Letter
Surety Bond Form – As stated in Article IX, Section 30 of the Constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the International Union has obtained a Surety Bond insurance policy that covers the officers and employees of each affiliate. The bond form should be submitted to International no later than March 1.
Local Union Annual Financial Report (LUAFR) Form – Article VI, Section 12 of the International Constitution requires that all local unions provide a financial report to the International Secretary-Treasurer each year. Each local’s completed report must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than May 15.
Trustee Audit Checklist – The Trustees of AFSCME Council 13 are charged with the responsibility to see that an audit of all the funds of the local is performed, either by an independent CPA or the Trustees themselves. This checklist is used to help guide the Local Treasurer and the Trustee.
Financial Standards Code with Trustee Audit Guide – Important information for officers and trustees who have a fiduciary responsibility to safeguard the union’s assets.
Receipts Journal – For use by Local Treasurers. Download PDF Download XLS
Disbursements Journal – For use by Local Treasurers. Download PDF Download XLS
Expense Report – For use by Local Treasurers. Download PDF
Monthly Report – For use by Local Treasurers. Download PDF
Union Business Leave Form
Do you ever do Union/AFSCME business during your work time?
If so, your leave time should be charged to the proper leave bank (reference Article 17 of the Master Agreement). To make sure you get Union/business leave credit for union work, you must fill out this form. Filling out your leave slip early and correctly saves you, your employer, and AFSCME time in making sure you get the proper leave.
This form must be completed in its entirety and sent to the AFSCME Council 13 Education Department no later than 25 day prior to your requested leave.
For any questions regarding this process please call the Council 13 Education Department at 1-800-5-AFSCME.