Share your story: AFSCME launches Countable campaign for members working through pandemic

AFSCME members are on the frontlines, doing what we always do: putting our communities first. 

Our work is often taken for granted, but we need to let the public know that while they are running out of their worksites due to this crisis, we are running in to take care of business.

The American public needs to hear our stories.  Your dedication and sacrifices keep America safe and healthy. Your work, always vital, is even more critical when crisis strikes. Send us a short cell phone video of you on the job that shows how you’re serving the community during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Visit this webpage to record your video directly from your cell phone or laptop:

Don’t worry, we’ve made it easy with these simple instructions:

  • Click this link to be taken to a webpage where you can record your video
  • Use your cell phone or a computer camera while you are on the job
  • Keep videos under 30 seconds
  • Say your first name, your council, and your city
  • Use respectful language and tone
  • Record from a quiet spot